St George(‘s), and the Dragon
Well Brethren, you may be wondering what the article title is all about? Well, nothing really, just seemed appropriate at the time of drafting these notes. The St George’s part relates to a meeting of the AMD Council of the same name which received a visit of the District Team. As a disclaimer, heaven forbid that anyone may think that that the Dragon part refers to our DGP. Not on your life, and, just in case any legal beagles are reading this article, the story is totally fictitious and doesn’t refer to any actual person, living or dead. Phew, hope that gets me out of a tight spot?? ….
Gathering of the Clans at Bryn MH
Back to reality, The DGP and his team were visiting the Installation meeting of St George’s Council at Bryn Masonic Hall on Friday 19th April 2024. This was the last Team outing before the changing of the guard at the District Meeting on Saturday 27th April. As always, the DGP was well supported by his Team.
District Grand Prefect with District Team Members
The Lodge was opened by the WM, and, subsequently, the DGP and his team were warmly welcomed into the Council. The WM offered the Gavel to the DGP, which was accepted on this occasion, and he took the Master’s Chair. He was then saluted with 7 and subsequently introduced his team to the audience. The WM was then invited to re-take his rightful place. Salutations were then given to other ranks.
Following various items of business on the summons, the WM, Bro. John Cunliffe, then announced that the next business was to invest the ME, Bro John Barnes. He thanked Brethren for all the support over the past year and hoped that the same support could be given to the ME. Installing officers were then conducted to their seats by the DC.
It may be worth explaining at this point, that the WM, has had serious problems with his jaw following an accident, and consequently had not been able to attend a rehearsal. Not to matter, the ME was installed in a very warm and sincere way without any hitches. John Terrance Barnes was now the WM of St George’s Council No. 4 and was pleased to invest his Officers.
WM, John Barnes (right) is congratulated by the IM, John Cunliffe
District Grand Prefect congratulates the WM and IM
Before long we had reached the risings, and the DGP brought the greetings of Grand and District Grand Lodge.
The DGP then surprised everyone by taking the gavel and the Master’s Chair for a short time. He referred to W.Bro Ray Pye who was to retire as District DC at the forthcoming District Meeting; and outlined W. Bro Ray’s Allied CV, and his contribution to West Lancs AMD. W.Bro Pye thanked the DGP for his kindness and friendship over many years.
Addendum by DGP “What that summation doesn’t tell you is the enormous amount of work Ray has undertaken on behalf of the Allied Masonic Degrees and Freemasonry in general. I together with my two predecessors and all members of this District, and further afield, owe Ray Pye an immense debt of Gratitude, for his support, guidance and most importantly his friendship.”
Members of St George’s 4 and Visitors
Following the WM’s return to the Chair, and his response to the DGP, the District DC arranged a procession of the DGP and his team out of the Council to applause. Remaining Lodge business was conducted by the WM, and then the Lodge closed in due form. Photographs were then taken by one of our District Photographers for onward transmission into this article.
Let the festivities commence
The Festive Board was extremely enjoyable, with the usual formalities completed efficiently, leaving time for a good natter. However, even whilst enjoying good conversation and fellowship, the concern of our Brethren for those less fortunate than ourselves was brought to the fore, when raffle proceeds, which raised in excess of £150, were donated to the family of W. Bro John Mason, Secretary of the Wigan Group, whose son and Grandson had recently died as a result of a house fire. It’s difficult to imagine the feelings and emotions of John and his wife, and the surviving members of his son’s family at this time. Our hearts go out to them, and I hope that our donation can help them in some small way.
On a lighter note, the DGP also surprised everyone at the Festive Board, including the recipient, by making a presentation to W. Bro Pye to mark his impending retirement as DGDC. The presentation comprised of a bob cap and scarf of the Wigan Warriors Rugby League club, which anyone who knows Ray will be aware that this is his sporting passion. For the uninitiated, rugby league is a ball handling game which usually resulted in a gladiatorial contest between two teams, comprising 13 players each. The object of the game in the old days used to be concerned with how many players remained on the pitch, as much as scoring points. Ritual near decapitations resulting from stiff arm tackles, or from the use of heads as drilling rigs following spear tackles were the order of the day. Ah the good old days, not allowed now, television replays have sanitised rugby, bah, humbug! If you don’t believe me about the ferocity of the game in years gone by, turn up a clip of the ‘Battle of Fartown’ and then you’ll believe!
Who is the Court Jester with the DGP?
An excellent meal and the constant chatter ensured that the Festive Board went well, but all things must come to an end.
A fulfilling night but tinged with sadness, and we made our way home counting our blessings.
Continue to enjoy your Allied Masonry.
Words by the Coccium Warrior
Photographs courtesy of Dragon Pictures Ltd